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man stacking coins

How to Hire Top Talent on a Lean Budget

Picture this: You're the head chef at a popular restaurant, and you need to whip up an exquisite dish for a prestigious food critic who's walked in unannounced. Your pantry is running low on ingredients, your staff is stretched thin, and you're on the clock.  

It's a high-stakes situation, much like the challenge businesses face to find top-notch talent on a tight budget.  

In this blog post, we serve up a menu of innovative strategies and practical tips to help you navigate the hiring maze efficiently, even when you don't have an abundance of time, money, or human resources at your disposal. 

Young girl excited about her employee benefits

6 Reasons Why Employee Benefits Matter

Offering a comprehensive benefits package has evolved from a mere perk to a strategic necessity. 

As organizations strive to attract and retain top talent, the benefits they provide have a profound impact on employee satisfaction, engagement and overall well-being.  

In this blog post, we will explore the diverse array of benefits that companies can consider offering to their employees. Each benefit is a testament to the commitment an organization has toward its employees' holistic welfare. 

top workplaces 2023 banner

6 Key Factors That Make a Top Workplace

We are thrilled to announce that Inova Staffing has been awarded the prestigious title of "Top Workplace of 2023" for the fourth consecutive year!  

This remarkable achievement highlights our commitment to creating an exceptional work environment that fosters employee satisfaction, engagement, and success.  

Two construction workers discussing a job site

A Good Manager Will Be These Four Things

If you’ve got a great boss, consider yourself lucky. Whether you’re at the bottom of the proverbial career ladder or rising the ranks, you likely report to someone. It’s a common thread many of us share, and for those who aren’t as fortunate, you may be considering what traits you should look for in your next manager.

Conversation bubble with the words “diversity and inclusion”

How to Create a More Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Many candidates searching for their next career move are looking for a company that celebrates diversity and has a strong inclusion policy. Both of these elements—diversity and inclusion—are ingrained in company culture. Some people (wrongly) think that company culture simply means foosball tables and a kegerator in the breakroom. In reality, today’s employees are looking for more meaningful workplace benefits, most of which stem from diversity and inclusion efforts.