woman with coffee

Job Seeker Resources

Find the right job for you.

With Inova Staffing, finding the right career opportunity has never been easier. Whether you specialize in industrial manufacturing, skilled labor, call center, or admin/clerical work, these resources can help you stand out among other applicants.

Read Our Blog FAQs for Job Seekers

Job Search Resources

Use the following resources to create a strong resume, nail your interview, and bring your best self to work each day.

woman interviewing

The Better Together Blog


Frequently Asked Questions

Your job is your livelihood, and you depend on it. Below, review frequently asked questions about Inova Staffing from job seekers just like you. (Question not answered? Contact us here.)

Job availability changes daily. Once you have completed our application process, you will be considered based on your preferences and your skills and will be offered appropriate positions. How soon you can start working depends on many factors: job availability, companies' background and drug screen requirements, your own job requirements, and more. 

You will first complete the online application. You will be asked to provide complete work history information as well as shift, type of work, and location preferences. 
After the application is complete and submitted online, a staffing specialist will contact you to schedule an interview. In the interview, you will have the opportunity to discuss what vocational skills you have, your experience, and what you are looking for in your next position.
Inova Staffing conducts reference checks with previous employers and other references provided by applicants. Once reference information is complete, you will be offered jobs based on all the factors of your interview process.

We strive to match your skill set, interests, and availability with open positions and will contact you once a position that fits your criteria becomes available. We encourage you to check in on a weekly basis by contacting our office and keeping us informed about your availability.

We realize some jobs may not be a good fit for you. Often, you will not know until you are working in the position. If you are on an assignment and find it is not going to work for you, we require adequate notice and will strive to find a more suitable position for you. As with any interaction, communication is key.

We encourage you to regularly check our website for current openings and positions. Our qualified team of staffing professionals is quick to respond when a new position opens that fits your skills and preferences. Please share with us the best way to contact you so we can notify you about the next opportunity.

"Inova Staffing Services is far above the other agencies out there. [The staff] is AMAZING, very personable, and detail-oriented. Inova Staffing got me the job I wanted and the pay I deserve. The entire process was overall a 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ plus experience. They were right there from the beginning effortlessly communicating on my behalf. They reminded me of interview times, gave me excellent pointers on do's and don'ts for the interview, and gave me jobs to choose from. They didn't just send me to any job - they gave me a choice in which jobs I wanted. Best placement service I have ever experienced!!!!"

– Carrolyn F. Brooksville, FL