Answers to Common Interview Questions: "Do you have questions for us?"

This post is the first in a series that features expert insight on answering common interview questions. 

After a week of anticipation and an hour of tough questions, you’ve finally made it to the end of your first interview with a great company. You breathe a sigh of relief—but, suddenly, the roles of interviewer and interviewee are reversed:

“So, before you go, do you have any questions for us?”

No matter how tempting it may seem, resist the urge to answer with a simple “no.” Understanding how to answer this question is key to making a lasting impression on your future employer. 

Read on for more insight into this question, and follow these interview tips to prepare a stellar response.

Why Do Interviewers Ask If You Have Questions? 

Interviewers want to see that a candidate is serious about a job opportunity. By asking the right questions, the thoughtful consideration you’ve given the position will shine through. 

Good questions can also highlight your qualifications as a candidate. A question about the company’s response to trends in manufacturing, for example, could be a great way to demonstrate you’re interested, engaged, and knowledgeable in the industry. 

How interviewers answer your questions can also identify whether the position and company are a good fit for you. How does their culture align with your vision of an ideal company? Do the most common management styles meet your needs? 

Regardless of whether it’s an employee- or employer-market, empower yourself to make the best decision for your long-term goals by ensuring your questions are met with satisfactory answers.     

4 Strategies to Prepare for This Common Interview Question 

These guidelines may prove useful while preparing for your next interview. 

1. Arrive at your interview with questions in mind. 

You may consider writing them in a notebook to bring into the interview. When it comes time to ask your questions, however, try to avoid reading word-for-word off the page. Give a quick glance at your notes and ask the question with confidence. 

2. Ask questions that show the interviewer you’ve “done your homework” by researching the company and position.

Ask questions about information that’s featured on the company website, but stay away from those that can be answered with a quick search. 

A question like “How does your company practice its core value of empathy?” may be more beneficial than one similar to “What year did your CEO John Smith found your company?” 

3. Avoid asking about compensation, PTO, or other benefits too soon. 

Doing so can send the impression that you are more interested in what the company can offer you. Wait until you receive a job offer to ask these questions if the information is not shared sooner.

4. If needed, modify questions to show you were engaged and listening during the interview. 

It’s possible that the questions you prepare will be answered during the interview, so be adaptable. For example, an interviewer may share the details of a client you intended to ask about further. Inquire, instead about the nature of the account: “What are XYZ Inc.’s biggest challenges? What’s your favorite part about working with XYZ Inc.?”

Best Questions to Ask At the End of an Interview

This list can help inspire the list of questions you prepare to ask at the end of your next interview. 

Questions About the Job

  • What are some of the day-to-day responsibilities of this position? 
  • What are management’s expectations for the first six months of this role?
  • If I were to be hired in this position, what would my career path look like?
  • What are you excited for the person in this role to accomplish?
  • From your perspective, what are the three most important traits of the perfect candidate for this position?

Questions About Your Interviewer

  • What is your favorite part about working for this company? 
  • How long have you worked for this company?
  • What is your preferred management style?
  • What is one thing you love about this company’s culture, and one thing about it that could be improved?

Questions About the Company

  • What are some of the goals this company has set for the year?
  • What are the common qualities of successful individuals at this company?
  • How closely do individuals at this company work with other team members? 
  • What is the company’s vision for the next five years?

Questions About Your Candidacy & The Hiring Process

  • Do you have any concerns or reservations about my candidacy? 
  • What are the next steps in the hiring process? 
  • When might I hear from you about a decision?

Understanding the intent of this common interview question is the first step to preparing an answer that sets you apart from other candidates. And while there’s no true definition of a right or wrong question to ask, following these guidelines can help you ace your next interview.

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