The Better Together Blog

4 Science-Backed Ways to Motivate Your Employees

Written by Laura Knaak, COO | Dec 4, 2021 6:34:44 PM

A manager’s job of motivating employees is never finished. It’s an ongoing project to keep employees satisfied, happy, and therefore productive. While this may seem daunting, there are some very effective ways to motivate your employees with lasting success. 

No tricks or gimmicks. These four ways to motivate your employees are scientifically proven. Put them into practice and watch your employees become more motivated and more productive at their jobs.

Strategy #1: Be a Great Manager

One of the top reasons for employees to be unhappy at their jobs and even leave a company is poor management. So before going into other ways to motivate employees, it’s a good idea to review what qualities make a manager a great source of motivation for their teams. Here are a few top management characteristics that allow a team to thrive:

  • Honesty & Transparency
  • Respectful & Empathetic
  • Supportive
  • Good at Communication
  • Recognizes Achievements
  • Asks for Ideas or Feedback
  • A Hard Worker

Consider your own work and motivation. If you think there are any areas that you can improve in, get to it! Employees are motivated when their boss sets the example.

Strategy #2: Create an Incentive Program

There is more than one way to implement an incentive program. While many companies may look toward salary increases or bonuses, that might not be relevant for your company or team structure. You may be able to reward stellar employees with personal time off. Another idea is to allow for team luncheons after a major project was completed successfully. Simple gestures and incentives can go a long way to keep employees happy.

Strategy #3: Give Employees Room to Grow

Many employees are motivated by their own professional goals and future. If an employee is unsure of what their growth opportunities may be at your company, they may have a hard time staying focused when times are stressful. 

To avoid having your employees look elsewhere for career growth, help them realize their professional potential at your company. Provide a clear and concise organizational chart that details mobility options and the steps needed to excel. By offering a blueprint for growth, you will spark your employee's motivation for success—a win for both of you.  

Strategy #4: Offer Flexibility & Simple Perks

How to keep your employees happy in a post-pandemic world? Offer flexibility. Depending on your company, flexible scheduling can go a long way to motivate your employees. Allowing them to work remotely one day a week is a simple way to show that you respect their ability to get their work done, while also getting a change of scenery. This simple change can make a huge difference in keeping employees refreshed and motivated, leading to more productive days – regardless of where their work is completed.

Another way is with food. It’s amazing how excited grown adults can get when they are offered food in the office or workplace. Whether it’s on a regular basis or a few times a week, these edible perks will go a long way in motivating your employees. Again, food doesn’t need to be fancy or expensive. Give your team options so your investment pays off.

Looking for new employees to help freshen and motivate your current team? To find top talent that can help lead your company to success, contact Inova Staffing

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