The Better Together Blog

Career Success Stories: Logan

Written by Inova Staffing | Oct 7, 2022 1:41:12 PM

When Logan first arrived at Inova Staffing, aged 17 and with an expired ID, the team wasn’t sure if they’d be able to place this quiet but determined young man. A few weeks went by after he completed the onboarding process, and although he had committed to returning with an updated ID, the recruitment team wasn’t sure they’d ever hear from him again. 

Several messages to Logan went unanswered, but he returned to the office with a new ID—the day before his 18th birthday. Against protests, he scheduled to start the following day. He had a baby on the way and wanted to start working as soon as possible. Nothing, he said, would make him happier. 

Logan was a hard worker from the day he started with Inova Staffing. He never complained about the work given to him and was always available to offer assistance or answer a teammate’s question.

Personal hardships contributed to Logan’s struggle with job attendance, but he persevered. After a long road, he returned to his work assignment with the goal of getting hired as a full-time employee. He accepted all constructive criticism with a positive attitude, and his will to provide for his family eventually earned him the recognition of Employee of the Month. 

A few months later, he met his goal: He was hired by the client. Since starting his full-time career, Logan has been promoted to a leadership role. He’s now responsible for training and managing segments of the breakdown department. 

Today, word about Logan and his leadership skills has spread—new applicants to his employer often request a position on his team. He’s worked hard to earn the trust of both his peers and supervisors, going so far as to learn Nepali to communicate with his team. 

In the eyes of the Inova Staffing team, Logan is the poster child for determination. Despite his own struggles he’s never given up, and both his positivity and ambition have positioned him as a role model for everyone that comes through the company doors.

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